Last fall, while in the crushing grips of finals week and the inevitable insanity writing a fifteen lesson unit on Macbeth causes, I was spending yet another long night in the library. Stress makes me... let's say... crazy, and I was channeling that craziness into drawing pictures to entertain my roommate Kathryn (who I call--in my head--"my Kathryn roommate" to distinguish her from "my Hannah roommate").
My pictures began with a post-it note series on the decline of my sanity and quickly progressed into little pictures of me slaughtering a pile of homework with a sword. As time went on, my drawings matured, resulting in the following self-portrait:

Note the crazy eyes.
The following is my Kathryn roommate:

I drew her this way because she is always bubbly and also rainbows are happy and so is she. She also has her very own blog here.

^ That's my Hannah roommate.
She's so nice that all of the forest animals love to just chill in her presence, kind of like Cinderella and Snow White.
So, now, I'd like to show you, in some beautifully talented drawings, some things that are important to me.

This is the hugging chair. It's supposed to be called a butterfly chair, but a) butterflies are creepy and b) chairs are not so... the hugging chair (also, the chair hugs you so tight you have trouble getting out, which makes you feel loved because it doesn't want to let you go.)

This is my new car, Gilbert. I love him. He has some issues, but I call it character. Much like the hugging chair, Gilbert doesn't like to let me go, and the driver seat belt has trouble letting go. He also doesn't like to be cold, so the A/C doesn't work. He likes loud music, so when you try to turn it down, the volume goes up instead.

This is a picture of me at my job. As you can tell, I love my job. It is very exciting, and I never get bored. (There's the sarcasm again.)

Above is a picture of me engaging in my favorite pasttime.

This is a picture of me hugging a cake because I love cake. I would sell my own Kathryn roommate for a piece of cake. (Just kidding, Kathryn)
I LOVE this :) I was literally laughing out loud... Please keep these coming.